Create Monthly Delinquent Charges

This process will automatically create late charges for each of your units, based on the information contained in several different locations. First, in the Client Maintenance web form, users must define if a delinquency policy is to be used. These types are one of: a $ amount assessed against any current amount(s) due, a % interest assessed against the total unit due, or a % interest assessed against the total current amount due for a unit. No delinquent process can be run on any client that doesn't have a delinquency type defined, nor will the process run if the amount/percent is zero (0).

Basic Delinquency Rules

Delinquent processing is restricted to the last month of a billing cycle (e.g. a calendar quarterly billing cycle will only allow delinquent processing in Mar, Jun, Sep, and Dec of any year. The only exception to this rule is if a "System Administrator" runs the process.

Delinquent processing will be skipped if the unit has one of the following unit types defined:

  1. Cust Type - Y1 (non-latefee)
  2. Cust Type - Z2 (non-billable/invoicable)
  3. Cust Type - Z3 (non-billable/latefee)

The following additional limitations to delinquent fee processing exist:

  1. If the Client is a 'Statement' type client and the unit resident moved in since the beginning of the current billing cycle.
  2. Vacant units in an apartment-type client (chart = A, O, T).
  3. Invoice(s) balance less than or equal to late charge.
  4. Customers having a NOTICE DATE if the "Suppress DEL FEE Creation on Units issuing Letter:" checkbox is checked.

This process should not be run more than once a month for any client. It can be run as part of your month-end process where everybody can be processed at the same time.

Finally, the following kinds of invoices will be ignored when assessing delinquent fees:

  7. Any invoice assigned a Delinquent Fee Critical G/L Acct#

Delinquency Run Parameters

Delinquent Fee Run Date - Enter the date to be the effective date of this delinquency fee run. This date is important as it is the date that is used to compare if invoices have previously been billed to units; process is skipped if this date is greater than the due date.

You will have two (2) choices for assessing late fees. One will assess late fees on outstanding invoices except those invoices noted above or the other choice will assess late fees only PRIMARY CHARGES (e.g. HOA dues, Rent, etc).

Select Clients from the Following Select List - This provides the ability to select a group of units based on something other than all units for selected clients. Just enter the name of a select list that has been defined previously, usually through the "Tools > Execute Command" utility. If this field is blank then choose the client#s you wish to process here. If you enter a list then you cannot select client#s. Of course, in order to use a list one must exist.

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