Address Book Maintenance


The purpose of this process is to maintain the Address Book for the entire Advantos Enterprise application database. All names, address, phone#s etc are maintained in this Address Book. No module data, such as vendors, clients, employees, residents, etc, contains names, addresses, and phone#s. These module data use the Address Book indirectly, which means users need to be careful about creating duplicate Address Book entries.

Generally, when you add a primary record (a vendor, client, employee, resident, etc) you have the opportuntity to select an already created Address Book entry to associate it with. By clicking the "Address Book ID" link you can always review the available Address Book entries. DON'T create a duplicate Address Book entry. Always check to see if an entry exists to use before adding a new one.

Most of the fields require data are self explanatory. There are a couple that require additional explanation.

Is this a Company or a Person

This is a question always asked when making a new Address Book entry. The only difference between these types of entries is a Company doesn't have a first/middle name while persons do. In addition, the company field is automatically filled in for a company while the user can enter data for a person.


You can enter notes regarding this address book entry. It can contain any text you want.

City, State, and Zip

This field is where a postal code, and ONLY a postal code, is entered. However, the City, State, and Postal Code (Zip) is displayed. So, when entering data in this field, only enter a postal code. To maintain postal codes, you should use the Postal Code Maintenance process.

When a postal code is not in the U.S. (a foreign postal code) then you need to append the country code to the front of the postal code using a period (.) as a separator (e.g. "CN.V7M 1V6" is a Canadian postal code for North Vancouver, BC).

2nd Address

This section allows you to enter a second address for this address book entry. This is sometimes required for other purposes and this address cann be extracted via the Data Transfer Utility

Email Address

This is the email address the Advantos Enterprise module uses to communicate with this Address Book entry.

Web Password

This is the password this Address Book entry will use to access the Hometastic Web Portal. Please note: the password is not viewable by anyone who is not a system administrator.

Web Access

This is the level of Web access allowed to this address book entry in the Hometastic module. Access is allowed for user data access, client wide financial reporting access, and confidential director information access. When users sign up for Web Portal access they are automatically given user access privileges. Review the web portal information to understand the privileges.

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