Configure Advantos ERP E-Statements


Statements are an integral part of the process of collecting funds from owners and residents. Advantos ERP statements offer OCR capabilities to ease the burden of processing payments. These OCR capable statements are printable and offer the recepient the ability to return the statement stub with the payment. If the management company has an agreement with their bank, these payments can be processed by the bank and a "remittance" file, with all the payments made, can be returned to the management company. Remittance files can be easily processed with the Advantos ERP application.

Where do we start?...

The first step to take is to define the unit with the "Stmt Format" desired. Generally an "Html Email" is the most popular because you can control the format much better and can include images and color.

This will ensure the number one resident will be sent the bill. One more step is vitally important; the resident who is to receive the billing must have a valid email address in their address book.

In order to enter a valid email address you need to click the "Manage Resident(s)" link on the T/R Resident Maintenance form. This will open a resident names form. Click the "Key" field (the first column) to the left of the resident's name you want the address book for. In the Address Book Maintenance form, enter the valid email address where you want the statement sent to.

Simply save the address book entry, in the address book form, and it will be saved; regardless of whether you save the unit record.

Now what?...

When you run any statements, e-statements may be sent automatically. You need to make sure an email server is available to use. If you lease the Advantos ERP application then Advantos has already set up and configured an email server for use by the statementing process. Email statements normally are sent at 10pm each evening by Advantos. You have access to these statements between the time you run statements and 10pm that evening by accessing your "email" directory on the Advantos sFTP server using Bitvise SSH Client (formerly Tunnelier). These statements may be deleted by you or completely removed should you not wish to send them out.

What to be careful of?...

After this information is set up, be aware that when statements are run, an email statement will be sent out automatically. So, make sure everything is correct, including entering a valid newsletter if one desired. Remember, once email statements are sent there is no recalling them.

Am I done?...

For the most part, you are done. A local "link" in the dbms points to the email pickup directory. This directory is used by Windows to send email automatically.

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