Remittance Processing Setup


There are three steps to configuring Remittance Processing:

Remittance File Specifications

The bank provided remittance file is defined as a text file usually emailed by the bank as an attachment. The file looks something like this, though not necessarily in this order:

      "1706","171004  ","03292004","450.83","1234"
      "1600","W19-1   ","03292004","226.15","4567"

The contents of this file must include:

  • Client#
  • Unit#/Customer#
  • Payment amount (with or without decimals)
  • Deposit date (MMDDYY or MMDDYYYY format)
  • Check number

Remittance File Name & Location

There is a lot of flexibility within Advantos on how this remittance file appears. If your Advantos software is installed on your server, and you are not using our servers as an ASP application, each remittance file should be saved into the defined directory (the EFTFILE) as discussed by Advantos, and you should append, onto the beginning of the file name the defined prefix (usually 'RMP_' if the bank does not already do it). The EFT configuration file is located in the global SYSTBL file as "EFT.PATHS". Make sure the file received by the bank has the defined prefix (in this case RMP_) as part of the name. An example of a file name is 'RMP_123109.txt', since it is a text file, but the DOS extension is not important to the Advantos Enterprise application.

SFTP Configuration

If your Advantos application is located on our servers and you are using our ASP application over the Internet, then you must upload this received remittance file to our FTP server. To do this, you can use one of many products available via the Internet to transfer the data by SFTP (Secure FTP protocols).

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