Post Charges and Credits


This section describes the general process of posting charges, credits, reversals, refunds and returned checks (NSFs) on a unit within the TR module. As these transactions are posted, a record of these transactions is immediately posted on each units account. Charges and credits can be [C]loned to multiple units within a client (e.g. you can create a $10.00 charge for unit# 1 and [C]lone the charge to unit#s 2, 3, 4, 5, etc).

This form is a multi-use form that manages charges and credits on units that are not payments. You can create individual charges here, a single charge for multiple units, or multiple charges in the case of an NSF and its associated NSF charge.

Enter Transaction Information

As you process these charges and credits, there are some important points to remember:

  • To create a credit, input a minus sign in front of the amount.
  • Resident Managers with a security level less than 4 cannot create credits.
  • A [Refund] function allows you to refund any amount paid, or part of an amount paid. This function integrates with the Advantos Accounts Payable module.
  • Invoices can be [C]loned to other units within the same client.
  • You can create a reversal, NSF or refund by using the reference number of the original transaction in the resident ledger history screen. Once selected, make sure you select the correct action at the bottom of the screen - i.e. select [R] for reverse or [RF] for refund. If you want to issue a refund for an amount different than a recent payment amount, simply enter a new invoice number and at the 'Status/Comment' field, enter 'REF'. A refund will automatically bring up information the A/P module needs to issue a check. Don't alter the G/L account#s that are automatically placed in the "Account No" column.

    If you want to [Reverse] (back out) a payment for an amount different than a recent payment amount, simply enter a new invoice number and at the 'Status/Comment' field, enter 'BAK'. This is useful if you want to reverse or refund part of a payment. The [RF] refund posts a charge to the resident account and then creates an A/P invoice to pay the resident.
  • If you are creating an invoice and the G/L account# selected is defined in the Critical Account Table as "A/P Mgmt Corp" then an A/P invoice will be created from the Client to the Management company. This is true even if creating an NSF charge for an NSF payment reversal.
  • If you wish to [R]everse any payment or invoice simply select the invoice number, in the screen, then [R]everse it.
  • If any transaction is posted to one of the 'Special' unit#s (unit # 'Other' , 'Collect' or 'Moveout') then you have the ability to associate the transaction to a specific unit#. This is beneficial when tracking moveout transactions for apartment-type clients.

The general rule is that if a transaction was entered in error, it should be reversed rather than entering a transaction for the opposite amount.

Select G/L Account Numbers

Each charge or credit can be created with a single G/L account#. Normally, the selection of the status description will automatically select the G/L account#. Be very careful when selecting the G/L account number for a transaction and always use the system to correct a transaction if necessary. G/L account selection determines the proper accounting of a transaction and its reflection on financial statements. If the wrong account number is used to post a transaction, corrections can be made easily in the same accounting period, usually by a reversing entry. However, if month-end updating has occurred, transactions have been reported already on financial statements and cannot be made to go away for that period. They can be corrected, but the error and the correction will show on financial statements in the subsequent period(s).

There is a special function pertaining to the 'A/P-Mgmt Co' G/L account# (see the critical accounts table). If you create an invoice using this G/L account#, because you are billing back for work your company did, then an A/P invoice will be created from the Client to your Corporate A/P Vendor!

Select a Update Button

It is important that you select the correct update button when attempting to save an item. If you want to reverse or issue a refund, use the [Reverse] or [Refund] button. The [Reverse] option allows you to reverse an invoice, credit or previous payment. You can also [Reverse] a payment, when notified, rejected by the bank for Non-Sufficient funds (or something similar). The [Refund] option allows you to reverse a payment, but issue an A/P check back to the payee!

If any button is disabled then it cannot and should not be used.


Cloning is as simple as creating a charge or credit invoice for a unit# and selecting other unit#s to create the same invoice for. To do this, enter the invoice you want to create then click on the [Clone] button.

This pops open a window with a list of all other non-special unit#s for this client. Select the unit#s to create this invoice for, or "All Units", then click the [Save] button and multiple invoices will be created.

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