Newsletter Maintenance


This process allows you to maintain the custom newsletter that appears on the T/R Statements generated from Advantos. These newsletters are used to provide news and other information in printed and email Statements. They are easy to maintain and provide a useful tool to communicate with residents without the expense of additional mailings.

Maintain Newsletters

The newsletters are updated prior to running the Statement process. The Month # of Next Statement must be updated to match the month of the Statement on which it will appear.

The Statements will include approximately 110 characters wide and 30 lines long. When you've completed creating or modifying your newsletter comments, click on the SAVE button at the bottom of the screen.

A different message can be created for each client. The saved newsletter message will print on every statement produced for the client. A custom message cannot be created for each resident who receives a statement.

You can print a copy of the Newsletter for all your properties, so that it can be placed in the monthly folder for the property. You can also delete ALL newsletters, if you wish.

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