Voiding A/P Checks

This process is designed to allow you to void any check that has been created in the system through the Prepare Checks utility or that has been posted as a prepaid check using the Invoice Maintenance utility. In order to void a check properly, the check cannot have cleared the bank account it was being applied to. When you void a check, the invoice(s) that are signified as paid are normally recreated in the A/P system module. However, an option in the system exists that allows the user to NOT recreate the paid invoices at their discretion. Essentially, it is important to remember that voided checks and deleted invoices are simply reversals that are reflected in the A/P system module's transaction history.

Keep in mind that if a check that was issued in a prior financial period is voided in the current financial period, and the bank statement for the prior financial period has not been reconciled, then the current reconciliation will be out of balance. This is because the reconciliation will expect the check to appear on the "un-cleared checks" listing because it would be part of the ending bank balance. If this occurs, then you should put the cleared check back on the reconciliation via the Reconciliation Notes utility option or you can "unclear" the check via the Post Bank Transactions process in the Banking module.

In order to see the details of the check to be voided, enter the following:

Bank Number:

For this field, enter the Bank Account number used for the voided check manually, or click on the Bank No link to select a bank account number from a list. This number is reflected in the MICR line of the check and is signified as the first three digits starting from the left of the check.

Transaction Number:

For this particular field, enter the transaction number that is assigned to the check. This number is reflected in the MICR line of the check and is signified as the fourth through the eighth digits from the left of the check. Click on Trans No link to view a list of all the checks for the selected Bank Account number that have not yet cleared the bank.

The following information will be displayed for each un-cleared check listed:

    The check's transaction number

    Vendor number associated with the check

    Vendor name associated with the vendor number

    The client number that the check is associated with. This will display as "**" if this check was paid for multiple clients. You can see a detailing of the clients if you select the line from the window.

    The check date

    The check number

    The payment associated with the check

Void Check:

By clicking this button, you will be prompted to confirm the VOID process. The next prompt will ask you whether the A/P invoices should be reposted. This option will create a negative check amount, clear the original and voided checks, and then update the description of the bank transaction as a "Void Check #..."

Stop Payment:

This option, if selected, will create a negative check amount, clear the original and voided checks, and then update the description of the bank transaction as a "Stop Payment Check #..."


This option, if selected, clears the information that was entered in the Bank No and Trans No. fields and returns you to the main screen without saving any data. Use this option if you change your mind about voiding a check or stopping a payment during the Void Check process.

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