Preparing Cash Requirement Reports

This system utility generates a list of all unpaid invoices in the system that are either; 1) due on or before a specific date, or 2) have been approved. The Cash Requirement report is designed to be used for reviewing the accuracy of invoice data, reviewing bank account balances, arranging funds transfers if necessary, and obtaining a record of authorizations to pay vendors; all before issuing checks.

To make these tasks easier, the report can be sorted in various ways. Before preparing checks, if the report was printed, changes from all copies of the report should be consolidated into a 'FINAL' copy which should be kept as back-up for the check run.

To prepare the cash requirements list, you need to select the invoice due date, select the sort and filter options, then click on the [Process] button. This initial information will be used to select the appropriate unpaid A/P invoices to review and approve.

Invoice Due Date:

Enter the due date to be used to select invoices for this report. Unapproved invoices with a due date less than or equal to the date entered will be selected. In addition, any approved but unpaid invoice will also be selected. To remove an unpaid invoice, from this report, whose due date if after the entered due date, simply un-approve the invoice then start the report process over again.

Exclude APPROVED invoices with later Due Date

Check this box if you wish to exclude any previously 'Approved' invoices whose due date is later than the due date entered previously. This is handy of many invoices (e.g. auto invoices) have been approved and you don't wish them to appear on the report.

Sort Options:

Select the arrow in this field to bring up a drop-down list where two sort options are contained. Select By Client to sort the invoices by client number. Select By Vendor if you want the invoices selected by vendor number. Keep in mind that the listing displays invoices by client number but does allow the user to select invoices for specific vendor(s).

Enter Client # (or Vendor #) Desired:

Enter valid client(s) or vendor(s). Leave blank to select 'ALL' clients/vendors. Click the client (or Vendor(s)) header link to view available clients or vendors.

Once this report is displayed there are a number of actions the user can take.

[Process] button:

Click this button if you want to continue processing. Continuing will present a summary of all unpaid A/P invoices for all of your clients. If you wish to restart this form, and clear all entered data, simply click the [Cancel] button.

This A/P requirements summary provides inportant information regarding the A/P invoices due for each client. There are several "clickable" columns to allow the user to drill down into this report. The data in these clickable columns are highlighted (or underlined).

(print) and [] UnApproved Only

You can print a CASH REQUIREMENTS for the clients selected. You can also limit output to only those invoices that have not already been approved. If this is done then the bank account balance is adjusted by the amount of approved invoices, in order to leave the viewer knowledge of how much funds are really available to pay the displayed invoices. If the bank account balance is adjusted in this manner then an asterisk (*) is printed next to the bank balance.

Parent Client

This column contains the parent client information. A client may control multiple clients and is considered a "parent" client if it does so. Normally, this information is the same as the "Client Number" column. Clicking on the data in this column will generate a "detail" listing of the invoices due for this parent client (or client if there is no parent client).

Client Name

The parent client name is displayed here.

Client Number

This column is the client number for the A/P invoices. If clients share a parent client then there will be a single row for the parent client and additional rows for each client associated with the parent client. Click data in this column and you will be restricted to detail data for the client number selected.

Bank Account

This clickable column contains the bank account associated with the client in the previous column. Click the data in this column to review the bank account.

Bank Balance & Invoice Balance

These two columns will indicate whether there's enough money in the bank account to pay the A/P invoices selected to be paid. Both of these columns will display in red if the total amount of invoices to be paid exceeds the bank account balance.

InvCnt App/Dis

This column indicates how many invoices have been "approved" and how many are not (dis-approved). In the example above, client# 840 has no invoices approved and three (3) yet to be approved.


There are several buttons you can click that perform various tasks. They are as follows:

The Detail Report

If you click on data in the "Parent Client" or "Client Number" columns you will get a detail listing of all the A/P invoices due for this client (or parent client).

There are a number of actions you can take with this report. Several columns are clickable to allow the user to "drill down" into more information. Click the "Bank Account" column to open the bank account form for the current A/P financial period. Click the "Vendor" column to open the vendor maintenance form. Click the "Invoice" column to open the invoice maintenance form. Click the "Due Date" column to open the A/P Invoice properties form. All of these forms you can open are opened in "read-only" mode; data cannot be changed in thes sub-forms.

Pay ?

This column indicates whether the A/P invoice has been approved. If the invoice hasn't been approved, the value in this column is "No" and the data in the "Due Date" and "Pay?" columns display in a red background while the data in the "G/L Amount" column is displayed as red. Click this column to toggle the invoice approval.


There are several bottons you can click that perform various tasks. They are as follows:

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