Maintaining Purchase/Work Orders

This system utility is designed to create work orders which allow the creation of a work request and the management of that request through authorization, approval, and payment. Work orders are referred to as purchase orders in the A/P module. See administrative help for additional information.

Order No

You may type in the Purchase Order number in this field, or click on one of the following link options:

    New -

    This option assigns the next available number to the new Purchase Order.

    Search by Client -

    This option allows you to search for purchase orders by client number.

    Search by Location -

    This option allows you to search for purchase orders by address location.

Client No.:

Enter the client number or click on the Client No link in order to select a client number from a list.

Issue Date:

You can enter any date you would like. If you enter "t" today's date will be posted.

Unit No.:

This field requires you to enter the unit number that will be associated with this work order, if applicable. If a unit has been selected, then the location and contact information will be populated to match the unit number entered.


This field is used to enter the location where the work will be performed. If needed, you may type in a location different from the unit address.

Contact Information:

Use these fields to enter the name, phone, and email contact information for the Purchase Order. Note: if this work-order is for a unit owner in your portfolio then the information from that owner's address book will be pre-loaded, including their phone# (if they have one) in cell#, work#, and home# order.

Main Description:

This blank field is for describing the overall work being requested. More focused descriptions should be entered in the Categories and Category Descriptions fields in the Authorization Information section below.

Authorization Information:

Click on the expand arrow to display the authorization information section. This should be entered after the request information is completed. This table contains the following fields:

Click here to include remaining residents in Special Instructions.

If you click here then the remaining residents will have their names and telephone#s loaded into the Special Instruction field below.

Special Instructions:

This field is used for entering any special instructions that should appear on the Purchase Order.

Authorization Information


Email Notes

The "Reply-to:" address is configured in the Advantos Tools module. The primary reply-to address for a work order is configured. If it is empty then general reply-to address is used. If that is unavailable the corporate client's primary email address is used. If that is unavailable then configured sender's address is used. Finally, if that is unavailable "" is used. Finally, all of this can be overridden by entering a primary email address in a client's address book. This ensures an on-site manager can receive and manage all work orders.

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